GL Troubridge

Author´s Comments
Through the eyes of a mother!

The series of Kidan books was inspired by my children. By their love of stories and by their knowledge, courage and commitment in training to become the best martial artists they can be.

To watch your children take pride in achieving anything is always a wonder for any parent. For me I hope they understand how proud of them I am and how much I love them.

I have watched them over the last 12 years put in to practise all the things that karate personifies; honour courage, discipline, respect and understanding. I can only sit back and be amazed by two children that have sacrificed some of their normal everyday childish things to dedicate themselves so completely to something that brings them honour and respect.
My children are now passing on all they have learnt to children of all ages, whilst they continue to progress further themselves. I hope the parents of their karateka (students) are as proud of them as I am of my children.

I hope the children of today and of tomorrow will enjoy Kidan´s adventures of martial arts, magic and mystical realms and learn the true meaning of honour and respect that should be given to all living things.
When learnt, they will understand how these things can enrich their lives.................and always to remember..........................that everyone has just a little magic!


GL Troubridge